What beautiful nails can do for you

You may have heard the expression “Put your best foot forward.” However, the explosion of finger and toenail care could change this saying to “Put your best nails forward”. Some people see manicures and pedicures as superficial, even a waste of money. But when done for the right reasons, beautiful nails may be one of the best investments you make in yourself. Here’s how.

You only get one chance to make a first impression. When you don’t feel good about your appearance, it shows. Fingernails are one of the first things people notice about you. In Arizona, toenails are almost as visible. Making them beautiful can help you in three ways… 

First, it’s easier to look good all over because they make you feel beautiful inside. As a result, you feel more confident and your self-confidence is very attractive. Finally, it shows how you respect others by making the effort to look your best around them.

Depending upon your budget, you may have to do your own nail care and Avon has an array of products to help with that. Personally, I have my nails done professionally for the following reasons:

My work puts me in front of others, even groups of people. This means I need to get and keep their attention. I’ve also battled with broken nails most of my life. With professional treatments, my nails are in the best shape they’ve ever been. And that’s not all.

If you’ve read my story, you know how hard I’ve worked to build up my self-esteem. There have been times in my life when having pretty nails was the only thing I felt good about. Sometimes even that was a struggle due to who did my nails. Nail technicians do impact the experience and after trying multiple specialists, I finally found Allison, owner of Allison’s Nail Studio. What a difference! http://www.allisonsnailstudio.com/

After years of treatments that felt robotic, Allison really listens to me. Her approach is a catalyst for making me feel good, confident, and maximizes my investment in myself.

And here’s the most important thing. Make sure you give yourself credit for taking the initiative to be more attractive. When people give you compliments, accept them. (When you choose to disregard their comments – then you are wasting your money.) Beautiful nails make you look good AND increase your self-esteem. As a result, you create more opportunities to succeed in everything you strive to do.


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