Are you stuck in the PUC?

OK, your first question is probably about the spelling. Yes…the letters are correct and they stand for words that I will reveal in a minute. But first, here’s some background as to why I’m asking. Earlier this month I learned about leadership strengths already within me – and how to develop them.  My goal is to help you recognize your strengths and benefit from what I learned.

The question about being stuck in the PUC comes from attending the Global Leadership Summit. Started over 25 years ago, the Summit happens yearly on the first Thursday and Friday of August. It’s broadcast in over 123 countries. People in the Global Leadership Network believe that leadership changes everything. When you grow your leadership skills, everyone around you wins. Naturally we tend to think it’s only for those who are already considered leaders. So here’s another question…

Do you define yourself as a leader?

If you’re stuck in the PUC, there’s a good chance you’ll answer this with a “no.” PUC stands for Pain, Uncertainty and Chaos…feelings that overwhelm and make it hard to see your leadership skills. What you need to embrace is that you do have the skills…and the power to ignite positive transformation where you live and work. 

“Oh sure, Mary, this is easy for you to say. You have a business, participate in the Mesa Chamber and have a website. You are a leader. “

Yes – but that wasn’t always the case. For most of my life I didn’t feel like a leader and as little as six years ago, I was still very unsure of myself. But I knew I wanted to grow. My first Summit was in 2015 and because of the cost; I went to serve so I could go for free.

Serving at the GLS is like an usher or aide who performs a number of tasks (i.e. helping attendees find seats, bathrooms, etc.) that keep the Summit running smoothly for two full days. The goal was to pick up as much information as possible on the side. However, I found that serving soaked up too much time and attention. In 2018, my sister Tammy (you read about her here) said if I didn’t sit and learn with her, she would go to a campus closer to where she lived. I preferred to do the Summit with her. (I still served before and after each day. What can I say? It is who I am!!)

In 2020 when Covid hit, the Summit went virtual. This year, Tammy and I decided to rent a hotel room so we could attend without the “normal household” distractions.  It was incredible and we plan to do this for future summits. I look forward to this as my “sister summer vacation!” 

This years’ session alone gave me many insights to share.

Today you learned what words PUC stands for. Next week I’ll talk about what they mean…and how to get unstuck. If you can’t wait until I publish more, contact me so we can talk directly. I appreciate the fact that you are reading my blog, and understand that you may still have doubts. Therefore, I’ll leave you with this…  

The hardest person you will ever lead…is yourself.


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