Reaching 55 and loving it!

On March 24th I will be celebrating my 55th birthday. I am so excited and before I go on, I first have to share with you that attendance at my TEA course is soaring; both in-person and with Zoom! I’ll admit, at first the response was lower than I had hoped for. But that turned around last month – and the feedback is very positive. If you are even a little bit curious about what TEA can do for you, don’t hesitate to check it out. (Space is limited.)

Now – why am I so excited to turn 55?

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Not only do I feel younger than the number suggests, I get people who are honestly surprised when I tell them my age. A doctor for instance. At my last visit my doctor was not available so I saw someone new. He was clearly surprised when he looked at me while reviewing my date of birth and said “Do we have a wrong birth year on file?”

Whether in person or on Zoom, I frequently get comments on how young I look. Yes, it is fun to hear this. Yet what’s more important is how young I feel. As crazy as this sounds, I feel younger now than I did at 21.

Why do I feel this way?

Back when I was 21, and for many years afterward, I tried to be in control of everything, including those around me. It’s a struggle that takes too much energy and it makes us feel old. Sound familiar?
These days I call myself a “recovering control freak.” Through classes, seminars, and Boundaries, I learned to understand what I can and cannot control.

And there’s more.

I learned how to turn that struggle into strength…something I will share more about next month.  As always feel free to contact me or by phone at (480-684-2866).


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