Roller Coaster Whiplash

If you read last month’s blog, you may remember how my life see-sawed through relentless highs and lows from February through August. However, hearing about this after the fact doesn’t communicate the acute physical and mental turmoil of the time. Now it’s possible that you, or someone you know, may be experiencing a lot of turbulence at this time. My goal is to show you how working through the pain…and focusing on what you do have… can literally make the difference between life and death.

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I’ll start with how I lost my job, my husband and my home.
Remember, I started 2012 with three incomes; my corporate job, my husband’s job, and Avon. Suddenly I was down to earning one income from Avon. I shared how hard I worked to build the business – which now earned more income than the corporate job. Yet one advantage to corporate income is the steady paycheck with benefits. Even though I had gone to part-time hours, it was still a ‘constant’ which disappeared when I was laid off. Another problem was that it took some of my confidence with it.
Next, my marriage with Beau (introduced here), was troubled. With this being a second marriage, I believed (like so many others) that I had learned enough from the first marriage to make it work. Not true!  Not only was Avon taking more of my time, Beau’s job was absorbing too much of his. Between us, we couldn’t find the time or opportunity to talk things out.

So when the all-expense paid trip to Alaska with Avon came along, as terrific as it felt to earn it, the satisfaction was tainted with a failing marriage because I couldn’t include him.
Talk about confusion!

Here I was, appearing positive and upbeat while my personal life was out of control. By August, after our breakup and then moving in with my friend, I understood what it was like to feel suicidal.

One thing I am grateful for is that this happened eight years before the pandemic. I know people who seriously struggled during that time and continue to do so in the aftermath. What stopped me was recognizing some constants in my life…and this story will be revealed later this month.

Bottom line, life will challenge us in spite of trying to do our best. If you or anyone you know is going through a rough time, it is a tremendous help to talk to someone. I’m here to help because I’ve gone through that unbearable turmoil when life feels too hard to keep going.  Feel free to reach out by phone or text at 480-684-2866.
If there’s one thing people need to know, it’s that they are not alone.


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