What did you think of my last blog? I shared that I would tell you more about Central Christian Church and I will in the next one.  I was so excited and wanted to let you know about an amazing experience that happened with some of my team at the annual Avon convention a few weeks ago…

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First, let me tell you a little bit about Avon’s annual convention. Before the pandemic, you could only participate by attending in person. Covid changed that, forcing people to be creative and go virtual in 2020. In 2021 many companies went hybrid – including Avon.  I was not ready to go in person yet. Like the previous year, several team members and I stayed at a hotel in Mesa. I rented a conference room so we could experience it together, but I really missed being there in person.

When they announced holding this year’s convention in San Antonio, Scott and I know we needed to be there along with some of my team members who were also able to attend. One of the activities was an “Avon Game Session.”  Imagine my surprise when my name was called out of 2,000 and I was told to bring 4 people on stage with me to play. That put us in front of roughly 6,000 people.

Those who know me understand that I’m not shy on a stage, and this was no exception.  Here’s the ironic part. The game show we were picked for was “Family Feud” – a game that brought me full circle from something we started a year and a half ago. I think you’ll see what I mean shortly.

Around January of 2021 Tamara, one of my team members who had a connection with a local medical group, mentioned how some vendors held Bingo games as a fun way to promote their products. She asked if we could do something like that.

I suggested doing a different game to be unique. We came up with me being Bobbie Barker (remember Bob Barker?) with Tamara and Andrea (another team member) who are Bobbie’s Beauties doing “Avon Style Price is Right”. We make it fun with lots of laughs – which was our objective. Since then, we’ve branched into other games to keep it entertaining. We have also added a skincare and makeup clinic!

For the past six months, I’ve ended my days watching Steve Harvey on “Family Feud. We all need some comic relief at the end of the day and who better than to get laughs from?!  I love this show and thought how fun it would be for me and some of my Avon team (who I also think of as family) to go on the show. I learned on Google that the teams have to be related by blood or marriage. Obviously, the Avon tie wasn’t enough!

Now, do you see how this came full circle for me?

 We did the show in front of thousands and guess what…WE WON!!  What did we win you may ask? A Face Pop which I absolutely love and will be doing a blog on it when it is available for you too!!!!

I shared how hard it was to live from one day to the next and how much pain I was in. That was 10 years ago. In the ensuing years, my earnings bounced between $3,000 every two weeks to $300-$500 every two weeks. I understand how stressful this can be.

Today, I am where I am because I was willing to heal myself instead of trying to fix others. You have to start from within and I hope you know I am here to help you and others to do that for yourselves

Finally, one result of the pandemic is the dramatic rise of individual entrepreneurship and I’ll tell you more about that this in the fall. In the meantime, you can always contact me HERE or call or text me at 480-684-2866.


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