Getting on the right track and staying the course – Part 2

Earlier this month I asked the question “What have you ever been given that you wanted desperately, only to regret it later?” As I have shared, God gave me a home that was my heart’s desire. Not only did it turn out to be a money pit, it was a place where I would make one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make.

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Overall, life was going in a positive direction. Scott and I were married, my Avon business was going well, and Central Christian was now a part of our lives. Moving into the home of my dreams seemed to complete the upswing my life was taking. Yet the next few years didn’t progress as I would have expected.

As I mentioned before, the dream home was not what I had hoped for. In spite of having a home warranty, so many things that went wrong were not covered. That was the financial part.

The emotional part came from my son Bryan, who I first introduced in February 2021. If you have been following my blogs, you already know how heartbreaking and stormy having an addicted child is. Bryan is my son with my first husband, James. When I was married to my second husband Beau, Bryan spent most of his time with his dad. Even when Scott and I got back together, Bryan lived with his dad.

When James died, even though we knew Bryan was addicted to drugs, we let him live with us.   Raising children is challenging enough. Having an addicted child and struggling with how to help is a nightmare.  I understand that as a parent, our natural desire with our kids is to try to protect them. We tend to do more harm than good and especially when it comes to children with addictions, we are enabling instead of empowering them.

Between Bryan and the money pit house, Scott and I knew we had to make some hard decisions. We both prayed about it, and we believed we heard what we needed to do as I was getting ready to leave for my annual Avon convention. Before I left, we decided that when I returned, we would know exactly what to do.

And we did. First was to sell the home and that was hard enough. Making the decision about Bryan was much more difficult. If you want to know what happened, you can read about it in my story.
For the past few months, I’ve shared how precarious my life was. Even with moving in a positive direction, there were still unforeseen hurdles to overcome.  Next month and in December we’ll take a break from this journey and continue it after the first of the year.

For now, the holiday season is almost here! I have a ton of exciting ideas to help you navigate this often stressful time that should instead be full of celebration. More than just gift ideas, I’ll share what’s going on in the world of entrepreneurship.

In the meantime, it’s important for you to understand that what you have experienced in life is yours alone and it’s what makes you unique.  Not all decisions work out as expected, and that’s OK. If you or anyone you know is in a stall or slipping backwards, call or text me at 480-684-2866. You can also contact me here. It’s amazing how talking things out can bring unexpected solutions.


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