Last month I celebrated my 55th birthday…and shared how turning struggle into strength makes me feel younger now than I did at 21. Before I go any further, let me ask you this:
How old are you?
How old do you actually feel?
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Maybe you feel older…or younger than the age on your birth certificate. Either way, pretty much everyone feels like time goes by too quickly. And it does. Yet the issue is not time. It’s about being aware of how you’re using your time. Too often we set goals and become so focused on the end result, we “lose” time because we aren’t aware of the journey. Plus – we try to control everything – which is something I’ll address in more detail next month.
For now, how much of your time are you consciously living? Is your daily life as fulfilling as you’d like it to be? Do the days speed by too quickly?
There’s no better time than now to reflect on how you are living each day. Chances are, like most people, you focus on reaching your goals without giving much thought about the journey.
This is why I created TEA. I spent years learning about how my Thoughts guide my Emotions that influence my Actions. As a result, I live more fully each day…and needed to share this with others. I created TEA to provide a good start for anyone who wants to live a fuller life.
Understand that it takes time to become the Best and Beautiful you that you were created to be. In fact, experts suggest it takes 10 years to succeed. Don’t let that discourage you! Instead of being impatient to change, be aware of how you are changing; and relish the time that it takes. When you choose to use each day as a life well-lived, you’ll celebrate reaching your goals even more.
What questions do you have about this? Maybe you disagree with what I’ve shared and would like to discuss it further? Let’s connect. Click here or contact me at 480-684-2866.